How Many Grams of Protein in an Egg?
Free Range Eggs

How Many Grams of Protein in an Egg?

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How Many Grams of Protein in an Egg?
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Eggs have 6 grams of protein.

Many Americans are looking to increase the amount of protein in their diet. Whether you're trying to build muscle, hit the hills harder in spin class, or simply maintain a sensible lifestyle, protein is a critical building block of any health and wellness regimen. Here's why eggs are a smart protein option that's easy on the wallet, the waistline, and the planet:

Eggs are a complete protein

The 6 grams of protein found in an egg are made up of all 9 essential amino acids that are vital to our survival. Containing every essential amino acid makes eggs a complete or "whole" protein.

Eggs are nutrient dense

Eggs are considered nutrient dense, and for good reason: those 6 grams of protein plus 12 other essential vitamins and nutrients are all packed into a mere 70 calories. Needless to say, eggs are an ideal food for those seeking to bulk up, lose weight, or just stay fit.

Eggs are an inexpensive source of protein

Eggs are an incredibly affordable source of protein. Although meat is more commonly thought of as the best protein source, it can be much more costly per gram of protein, and tends to have a more deleterious impact on the environment. And, for those who avoid meat for dietary reasons, it's not an option at all.

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